Peak States Trauma Release Therapy
Permanently Release your Trauma
The Institute for the Study of Peak States (ISPS) is a world-wide research, teaching, and clinical treatment volunteer organization focused on the study of the psychology and biology of consciousness. The core purpose of this Institute is to find ways to improve the quality of life for all of mankind. Our groundbreaking discoveries in prenatal development and in the tremendously exciting new field of subcellular psychobiology have linked epigenetics to psycho-immunology and trauma. This has stunning, practical applications, allowing creation of entirely new techniques for the treatment of mental and physical diseases. Our techniques are fast, effective, and permanent.
Examples of Issues that can be treated:
Generational Trauma
Limiting/Stuck Beliefs
Addictive Behavior
Holding onto issues
Removal of the "inner critic" and "mind chatter"
Triggered Feelings
Fixed or dogmatic beliefs; "I AM" statements
Physical or Emotional Discomfort
Failure to Heal; "I've tried everything"
Physical sensation/pain with underlying emotional angst
Trouble "Grounding"; Feeling Out-of-Body