Get Connected
Download this Welcome Letter PDF (found in iLearn in the "Getting Started" Module):
Specifics for understanding how to implement the PDF Above:
1. Make sure you are getting the company newsletter and text messages.
Go to your back office at backoffice.mypurium.com.
In your back office under "Account/Account Settings" update all your information. There is a place for you to input your cell phone to receive text messages. Under notifications you can input the email you want to receive Purium communications from. The weekly newsletter (comes out every Monday) is also in iLearn under "Keeping up with Purium."
**You can log into iLearn from the above link or use the iLearn tab from your back office.
Go to https://backoffice.mypurium.com.
Use the email and password that you entered when you signed up as a brand partner.
Upon Entering,
FOR DESKTOP: Click on the arrow next to your name in the upper right hand corner. Click on "Change Settings." For PHONE click on the menu, and Choose Account/Account Settings.
You will see a list-- Account Settings, Avatar, Addresses, Payment Methods, Direct Deposit, Notifications, DREAMS Technology, and Smart Order. Go step by step through every link and fill in the appropriate information.
It is important to make sure you cover all areas in this list and get fully set up so that you get all corporate communications and get paid. A smart order insures that you never skip a month (if you don't buy 50BV worth of product MONTHLY you will not get paid.) The Smart Order also doubles the amount of loyalty points you get towards free product.
In Summary:
Account Settings-- Self-Explanatory
Avatar--customizes what your customers see
Addresses -- Offers you a way to save the address(es) where you will have your Purium sent.
Payment Methods -- Keeps your credit card on file for ease of paying.
Direct Deposit -- So you get paid
Notifications -- Allows the company to send you the weekly newsletter(every Monday) and other pertinent company information.
DREAMS Technology -- You pay for this yearly. This link shows you how much time you have left on your subscription and allows you to renew it.
Smart Order -- Set up, change product or date of shipment. The Smart order ONLY ships if you haven't already bought something else earlier in the month.
2. Details for Purium's texting platform. If You live in the USA, text to the number 55678 in your messaging app
If You Live in Canada, text to the number 70734 in your messaging app
**Send the Word PURIUM to get more information about the business opportunity
**Send the word CBD to get more information about our new CBD+ 1500
**Send the Word TRANSFORMATION when you start a 10 day or 30 day transformation for automatic text support through your cleanse program
**Send the word TEAMSANDOVAL to get all the latest information about what's happening with the business to your phone, including call and event alerts, and even product specials!
3. Join the Facebook Pages
Higher Living Purium Team (Run by Jodi Parker)
Agents of Change Wellness Entrepeneurs (Run by 3-Star Crown Skylar Mallas Darby)
Purium Business (password is pure + premium) (run by Corporate)
Purium Lifestyle Transformation Support Group (for customers/corporate run)
Follow Purium Health Products main page
Follow the Million Mom Movement page (run by MMM Council)
Join the Million Mom Movement Official Group
**There are also a whole bunch of other Purium FB pages you will come across, but these will get you started.
4. Download the Purium App onto your phone. You will get updates, be able to send videos and information directly to customers, and you can also access the iLearn Training from there. For more information on using the Purium App click HERE. For information on how to post to social media from the App click HERE.
5. Follow Purium and the Million Mom Movement on Instagram.
6. Go to iLearn from your back office and follow all the modules--Do "Getting Started" Module first. Understand FAST START and Complete the Action Plan Worksheet, then contact your upline to discuss. The Action Plan sheet can be downloaded HERE. Or see an online representation of the most current one HERE.
7. Make sure to look through the other pages listed here when you go back to the main page. These pages will be consistently used as resources you return to, so familiarize yourself with what is on them so you know your resources.
8. Look at the training calls page and pick AT LEAST one training a call to get on. This will help you focus, be accountable to yourself and your team, and be absorbed into the "Purium Tribe."
9. Be sure to understand Social Media Do's and Don'ts before introducing your business. There's a page in here for that too.