
Omsira B.
The week before my session with Jodi I was experiencing body aches in my back, shoulders and neck. I felt heat washing all over my torso, and it felt heavy, dense and foggy. As an energy worker myself, I cleared what I could myself but was low in energy and felt like I was going in circles, stuck with my hands tied behind my back. During the session, I felt at ease and fully supported by Jodi’s presence. The peak states trauma relief therapy session focused on clearing up trauma around abundance and it went so deep. The session was graceful and easeful and left me feeling lighter in my body and clearer in my fields. The body aches went away almost immediately and it stayed away after the session. Jodi is a gem. She is so in-tune, coherent with her physical and energy self, and holds a vibrational environment that is optimal for your healing and wholling. I have so much respect and love for her!

Melissa M.
Melissa felt like she needed a new relationship with money:
Before working with Jodi, I was always worried about money. I was stressed, my son was stressed. It got to a point where I realized the trauma around money was leaking into other parts of my life. After working with Jodi, it was interesting. There was no worry; it felt odd. As the days went on it was wonderful to have that lifted off of me. The work I did helped to open so many doors for me. I chose to work with Jodi as she is one of the few people I know who does what she teaches. She holds her self to a high standard of living and that also goes into her work. She always has something new to share with you. She is very very in-tune.

Tara B.
A car accident 2 years ago left Tara with brain fog and consistent neck pain no matter what she tried. After a one hour Peak State Trauma Release Session Tara said the following:
Before the session I felt HEAVY. Emotionally and physically. The day after the session I feel physically lighter and normally when I lay in my bed propped up my neck and back start hurting…they didn’t last night. Two days later, I was working as a caterer for a friend. The venue for reception and venue for dinner are two different buildings about 100yds from each other. But it’s on a hill. I walked back and forth a million times, many times with my hands full of stuff so my back got tense…the weirdest thing, I was expecting to be in constant pain and discomfort because that’s how it goes. I fell asleep just fine and woke up feeling totally fine??! 10 days later I feel light both emotionally and physically. What was normally a daily annoyance that left me frustrated and sad and mad with pain 2 days a week that lasted almost 24hrs/day is now maybe once a week for a few hours. Thank you so much!! This is AMAZING!

Nora S.
Nora has a genetic condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis that causes a lot of pain. After Peak States Trauma Release Therapy she said:
I hiked, camped and worked on people for the entire weekend with less pain than I have ever experienced. I feel lighter, more alive, clear headed and motivated than I have also in a long time. I am still experiencing some of the symptoms of A.S. but diminished for sure.
I feel like I had tried everything imaginable when it came my limiting beliefs and deep rooted traumas, Many things have helped but I still felt like I was looping and continuing to make choices that were "Self-destructive". Before working with Jodi I felt like I was in a spiritual battle with myself. I was not making all the good choices I have within my abilities to love, honor and care for myself. I have a lot of pain in my physical body as well from a genetic disease that effects my motivation. After working with Jodi with an hour around this stuck feeling I found myself feeling lighter, clearer, less pain, more confidence and making better choices. Thank you sister.

J'Lene R.
Some of the best things in life are subtle. “Ah, well! That didn’t do anything.” And then… a little while later, you notice something different. A freedom of movement that wasn’t there before. This change is grace in action. Why traumatize what is already traumatized? This has been my experience with Jodi’s work. You will have your own. If you feel a pull towards her offering, say yes. Yes to your own healing. It is the yes that opens the door and the no that closes it. Freedom is one of my core values. Experiencing Jodi’s work with me has loosened the ties to my dysfunctional beliefs so I am better able to strengthen the ones that bring expansion and breath. Thank you Jodi! Lots of Love, #coachjlene

Linda E.
After 3 years of chronic illness, Linda said this after her first one hours Peak States Trauma Release Session:
I have had a lot of emotional pressure in my chest. Things that I was not ready to let go of. After my emotional healing with Jodi, my chest felt so much lighter. I could sleep better. A lot of people, especially women don’t understand how much emotional trauma they carry in their bodies. Working with Jodi will certainly lighten your emotional load and therefore, lighten your physical load. She is very professional and obviously knows a tremendous amount about emotional healing.

Terri H.
Ever since Jodi did a soul retrieval for me this spring, I have been healing and growing spiritually, mentally, emotionally by leaps and bounds. Jodi is the real deal and the perfect mix of mind, body, spirit healing with common sense.

I've had multiple healing sessions with Jodi. The last energy work really put my emotions, fears and anger towards myself in check. I felt more balanced and had a sense of peace that I have not felt in a long time. I've been dealing with chronic back pain for a couple of years. Dealing and recognizing my deeper pain through Jodi's energy work kick started my back pain recovery. Love her!!
Heather S.

Jodi has helped me to come to terms with pieces of my life that were hidden from me. She willingly gave of her time and energy, her insight along with her kind and loving nature really comforted me during a time I had no one who could understand. I trust and admire her ability to support others.
Heather B.

When I think of parenting, or become aware of someone who may need some advice in regards to parenting, I think of Jodi right away. I find her knowledge on natural birth, natural parenting, choosing wise foods very enlightening. I am not a mother yet but I enjoy talking with her and listening, so that one day I can incorporate what resonates. I also have connected her with a few friends that I believed would benefit from knowing her or learning from her. She's great!
Trina Q.

Jodi is so genuine and has a passion to help everyone. I consult with her often about parenting. By applying her suggestions I have noticed a positive change in the relationship between my son and I. I thank her for all her wisdom and kindness. Its nice to know you have someone to support you.
Purium Health Products
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Poofy Organics Bath, Body, & Home
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In case you didn't know by now, I strongly believe in what Poofy Organics is doing to clean up cosmetics and remove toxins from everyday cleaners & beautifiers, both for body and home, for everyone of all ages. Poofy is passionate about making the best toxin-free products available.”
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